for Marit's Top 2000 Blog Party, Creative Therapy, Inspiration Avenue, Sunday Postcard Art, and Created By Hand.
"... the world between reality and fantasy...” this is an excerpt from the artist's statement on my website. I wrote that my paintings are an attempt to bridge that gap between traditional representation and abstraction. I don't think I've managed to accomplish that just yet, although "Bring Me a Dream" did capture a bit of what I hope to convey. This year, after an abstract phase, during which I really loosened up and worked primarily with a palette knife, I'm going to concentrate on figurative painting. In February, I plan to take a three-day class at the Art School of Sandy Springs, with Angela Nesbitt, whose textured, light-filled paintings of children I adore. Then, in March, I hope to take another class with Kenson Thompson.
So, my goal for 2011 is to continue to try to create a flow of positive energy, which is a kind of magic, and to keep learning. I'm fortunate enough to live near a city like Atlanta, where there is a rich and eclectic art scene full of diverse galleries and art schools, where I can continue my education and grow as an artist. I hope that all of you are as blessed and lucky in the coming year as I feel I am!
Happy New Year,
magically beautiful *sigh*
It really is a magical image! Thanks sooo much for playing along with the top 2000 blog party - I will listen to this song in a different way from now on!
very cool image! nice work!
Can't wait to see what your limbered up creative muscles will make next! I love taking all these wonderful online courses and connecting with new friends across the globe while learning so much and drinking in all that inspiration!
Beautifully "crafted!!!
I love it, the color, the magic, the mystery! Good job!
Hugs Giggles
it's true...there IS magic all around. Look forward to seeing your new work in the New Year!!!
have a HAPPY one!
I know your 2011 will continue this exploring path you have started to wonderful places, my Artist Woman Friend. Sending you love and good juju energy to help you on your way.
Hugs !
many thanks for your lovely comment on my mad men post :)
i've just ordered the box set of series 1-3 from amazon with some xmas pennies...
guess what i'll be doing when the kids go back to school :)
brightest blessings for 2011 x
Kathy, this is absolutely gorgeous!
Cindy :)
It has been such fun to watch your work evolve.....and evolve....and evolve! This is a lovely piece, Kathy.
wonderful postcard!!
So wonderfully magical!
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