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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Seeing Red

Seeing Red WIP

Today I am. I'm in the mood to paint, but I don't feel inspired or successful. My head hurts. I pulled out this painting that I started in February. When I started it, I was inspired. I had a concept. I sketched the composition, I textured the whole canvas, and covered it with color in one day. Then, I don't know what happened, but I think I didn't really like what I saw; it seemed garish, so I put it aside because often, when I do that, I come up with a solution. I thought I knew what I wanted to do to it today, but I'm so frustrated. I'd added some turquoise and some green, and I hated it! Next, I decided to go over all the colors, except the pinks, yellow and oranges in bright red because it was just looking muddy and gaudy at the same time, if that's possible. Here's what it looked like in February.

Don't like that either. Maybe this whole thing was just a learning experience; maybe I'm not meant to finish this one, but it's really hard for me to give up on something. Maybe I just don't know when to quit. Anyway, now I'm going to let the red dry, and I'm going to go take a shower and hope that this thing miraculously improves while I'm gone. We'll see.


*jean* said...

hello dear - sorry your head is hurting...

i often "put things away" and then sometimes i just stumble around with a new technique and viola! that old project i put away comes back out...it's all good...

when i get stuck like this, i will go doodle or something that really relaxes me...i just love to putter around making all kinds of different backgrounds with different techniques...something i know i like and can do until a new thing pops up...i can't tell you how many times one of my "put aways" has become the perfect thing i've needed...

i was lucky to have a sister-in-law art teacher that told me to never throw anything away...good advice...don't give up...

*jean* said...

i'm back...i was looking at your painting again and maybe it's the size you're working in...maybe it would be a good idea to have a couple little pieces to test things on as you go along...when you texture your canvases, texture up a couple of atc's or bigger and then paint them the colors along with your painting then when you get stuck you can play on the little pieces...just a thought....

indybev said...

It's the music. It's all wrong! (Just kidding, of course) Who knows where the muse goes when the muse goes. Maybe after you've soaked your head you'll have an epiphany. I see lots of promise here! Ah, shucks, now I'll be spending all afternoon checking back in to see if you've had your epiphany!

dandelion dreamer said...

Those pink flowers are SO three dimensional they really do look as if they are floating on your picture and I love those colours too! Moira

DMG said...

Head is better. I think I'm making some progress. I'm just diving in there: added more pink flowers, chiseled off some of the texture...don't hate quite it as much, and at least I'm learning. You guys are great. Keep it coming!

Tangled Stitch said...

I think it's very interesting. The colors are so vibrant and they pop!

Kim Mailhot said...

I love the pink flowers too - they do pop off the canvas in a gorgeous way...

Play, play , play...if it ends up crappy, it really doesn't matter. The important thing is that you took the time to play, play, play...they can't all be mistresspieces, you know, Miss Alberta ! ;)
Glad your head is better now.Better for playing that way !;)
Big Love Hugs !

Nicola said...

I feel like this a bit at the moment, I'm calling it my artistic block, I'm in the mood to create but I don't know where to start. Just keep with it and eventually you work your way through it, I'm keen to see what you come up with now!

Jean said...

I'm excited to see what your next step will be! Sometimes my art works change COMPLETELY from what I had "planned" in the beginning. And even if it ends up less than desireable (ie, not what I wanted), I can always learn something from the process.

PS...When I first looked at the close up, I thought it was a lamb with a wreath of flowers on his head :) And by the way, I love the colors you're using!

With Anticipation...
Jean :)