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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

There's No Place Like Home

Travel Journal Page This page is for One Powerful Hour's "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" challenge, My Time To Craft's "Music" challenge, and My Artistic Life's "Pink & Blue" challenge. It was completed in record time: 45 minutes, while driving through Virginia on our way to New York City. My supplies were limited to what I had in my portable journaling backpack, so I started with a page of text from Vogue magazine for the background, and I glued on a bit of a Juicy Couture ad and an image from Collage Images Not For Posting. Color was added using ink pads, and lettering was done by hand with a black brush marker. Stamps were added this morning after I got home.

We actually arrived about 11:00 last night; Mr. Al drove the 18 hours from upstate New York to Atlanta, so we could wake up in our own beds this morning, and it was divine to be able to have my coffee and blogs. I visited many of my favorite blogs and to see what lovlies you all had posted while I was on vacation. Imagine my delight when, I discovered on Shelly's blog the Blue Ridge Lady and on Nancy's blog, CrowAbout, that Amusing Muses had been given this award. These two ladies have been with me since my earliest blogging days: cheering me on, inspiring me, teaching me, so from them, this means a lot.
Along with the award came the instructions to tell 7 random things about myself, so here goes:

I have a learning disability in math. I barely passed Algebra II and Chemistry, but made an A in Geometry. Go figure. Guess the right side of my brain kicked in.

Although I am a very non-violent person and pacifist, I am strangely fascinated with serial killers; I love movies and television shows about them. The one about Ted Bundy, "The Stranger Beside Me" is my favorite. It might have something to do with Mark Harmon.

I've always been really good at taking tests, I think because I read so much.

I'm a sucker for any man who can dance but especially a big man who can dance. Think John Goodman, Chris Farley, Vince Vaughn, Brian Dennehey, Frankenstein...

I asked my husband out on our first date, and, at dinner that night, we decided to get married. And we've been married 26 years.

I make the best spaghetti sauce in the world, if I do say so myself. Mr. Al plants about 35 tomato plants every year, and, when the tomatoes come in, I spend days making sauce and freezing it, so we can have it once a week until the next summer. I'm pretty sure that the secret to my successful marriage is simply that I won't give Mr. Al my recipe.

I'm horribly neurotic about losing things. I rarely lose anything, however, but that may just be because my loved ones would rather drop everything and search, instead of watching me wring my hands or listening to me rant obsessively until the lost object is found.

I'd like to pass this award on to some other very special artists:
Queen Of Arts
Allison's Heart Sings
Danford Designs
Groggy Froggy
Taluula's Art Blog
Reflections of a Ramblin' Girl
Joyful Ploys

Please treat yourself and visit their blogs. You eyes and hearts will certainly thank you. I'll be posting more pages I created on the road, as the week continues. Until then, I'm going to spend some more time catching up on what you've done in the last week.


peggy gatto said...

Lovely atc and congratulations on your award!

Kim Mailhot said...

It's so fun to get to know little pieces of you, Miss Alberta !;) Love that the hubby doesn't know the recipe - a girl's gotta keep a few mysteries to keep it spicy, right ?
Thanks so much for the award ! You are so sweet to spread the BlogLove around !
Welcome home ! We missed you !
Love Kim

Nettie Edwards said...

Alberta, I'm speechless! Congratulations on your award and thank you so much, Lovely Lady,for passing it on to me and for all the wonderful messages that you leave on my blog. Your encouragement means so much to me. The only problem is, I now have to think of seven random things to say about myself!!! Looking forward to hearing more about your trip and seeing more of your pages x

Poetic Artist said...

Congrats on the award and the piece is great..You had alot in that bag.

Flassie's Fil'a said...

Look up Carlton Arms in NY.
It is a hotel that every room
is painted by a different artist.

Look up, 52 Adventures in New York
by Lynn Gordon. It is a deck of cards. I think it has been updated.

I just pray and ask God to help
me find what I am looking for in
Jesus name and I find it.

My dd thinks it is so strange. I was looking for my car title and
couldn't find it. Don't get upset about it. I decide to just pray and I went right to it. It works
everytime I need to find something.

Congrats on the Award!

Have Fun in New York!

One day dd wants to go.

You might go to Michelle
My Belle's blog and ask her
some if she can recment some
plances in NY. She just came
back from a trip there.

Go to my blog and click on
the Goody Giveaway link.
When your at her blog click
home and it should take you
to her update. Scroll down
and see some of the places
she went to.

God Bless You and Yours!!!

Sandy said...

Woooooooooow this is absolutely brilliant. Very inspiring work . Love them.

Flassie's Fil'a said...

I should of edit.

I mean ask her if she
could recommend some
places to see in NY.

I think I am pretty tired.
Need to go to bed. My words
are not coming out right.lol!

Sweet Dreams!

indybev said...

Welcome home, Miss Alberta. Fun art, and fun to know a few of your secrets as well!

indybev said...

Welcome home, Miss Alberta. Fun art, and fun to know a few of your secrets as well!

Giggles said...

Love the sweet collage...adorable face, amazing color as always!! I do love a larger man who dances too...I even like a little pot belly. Go figure...I was married to a skinny man for 23 years...what was I thinking!! lol Loved getting to know you even better!!

Hugs Giggles

Taluula said...

I loved reading all your secrets Alberta, congratulations on getting this award TWICE hee hee, and thank you for passing it on to me.

Unknown said...

This Journal page is fabulous! Just enough space to write and the images are wonderful...very spunky and so much fun.

Thanks for taking the challenge.

Terri Kahrs said...

Am so happy that you're back safe and sound! I'm sure you've made some wonderful memories along the way. This page is amazing! Can't believe you accomplished it in 45 minutes! Sometimes you just can't beat spontaneity!

OMG! Serial killers?!? Don't feel too bad, Alberta, I have a fascination with "ladies of the night"!!! Go figure! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Anonymous said...

Alberta...I am humbled and proud to be the recipient of this award and even to be thought worthy of such an award is an honor. Thank you so much, I don't know if I can come up with seven things or to articulate seven things as well as you did. Thanks again!

Lori Saul said...

This is a truly inspired journal page- young, vibrant and graffiti like - love it!

vintage wil said...

Fabulous page!!!

Anne (cornucopia) said...

This is beautiful!

Janny said...

It's beautiful and congrats! Thank you for your kind words. I really woiuld like to taste your spaghetti sauce;o)

Staci Danford said...

An award coming from you just sends my toes in a tickle...
Thanks bunches..