30 X 30 acrylic, oil, ink, and charcoal on canvas for Created By Hand Art Challenge
It seems like I have really neglected my blog the past couple of weeks, but I have actually been working on a new feature for Creative Fits, and I've spent almost every moment I'm not teaching school to getting ready for my first festival, The Chastain Arts Festival, the first weekend in November. If you'd like more information about Chastain, just click on the festival name. The Chastain Festival will feature over 100 painters, photographers, sculptors, leather and metal craftpersons, glass blowers, and jewelers. Since the Fall weather in in Atlanta is so perfect, and Chastain Park is so beautiful, it should really be a fun weekend. A number of my friends from The Decatur Gallery will be participating,and I'm really excited to be a part of it.
Another thing that's been taking up some of my time is the new blog feature I've been working on. I would really like to focus more on the arts in Atlanta, and, in an effort to do that, I will periodically be interviewing some of the very talented area artists. The first of my interviews, which should be posted next week, will feature my friend Carol Reynolds an incredibly talented and creative mosaic artist.
Does today's painting look familiar to you? The painting in the previous post was a 12" X 12" study for this one. "Transit of Venus" is the first large piece I've completed using only a palette knife, and it will be my entry in the "Mystic Methods and Moods Holiday Spirit" group show this Saturday from 5:00-10:00 p.m. at The Decatur Market & Gallery on 153 Ponce de Leon Place. There will be live music by The Flying Mystics, tarot card reading, and refreshments. There will be an outdoor artist market during the event and costumes are welcome. I hope you can join us!
i like the color contrast in your painting. thanks for sharing with created byhand
I really like these two paintings. The color palette is just lucious!!
Oooohhh, FABULOUS colours!!
Exceptional! The depth that you achieved and the colors - well I would consider purchasing this if it were in front of me!!
This piece is absolutely SUPERB, Kathy!!! I'm so happy to hear about your participation in the Arts Festival. How I wish I were geographically closer so that I could experience this fair. Best of luck!!! Hugs, Terri xoxox
So wonderful to hear that you are so busy creating and being actively involved in many great art enterprises. Fall is a busy time for shows and exhibits- I love your new piece -it really caught my eye. The motion and spiral quality to this really grab your eye to it's core. Beautifully done!
nice interpretation of the theme! pretty colors!!
I wish I could join Kathy... sounds awesome! Your painting is marvelous, I like the brighter colours (a bit more orange then in the study) Interviewing other artists... sooo inspiring! Looking forward to the post! Emjoy the Autumn weekend dear!
Hi Kathy, excellent artwork!
I really like this! The depth and intensity of the colors are incredible!
Absolutely breathtaking! It is just gorgeous! I didn't even read your post I got so excited about your painting I just couldn't wait to send my cyber gasp of awe!
lovely abstract painting!!!! love the red dots~!!! :)
Hi Kathy--what a beautiful piece--I love the results you can get with just the palette knife, and I wish you much luck on your arts festival--it sounds wonderful!
When I win the lottery, you're on my "To visit" list Kathy!! I love the new directions you're taking!
Sometimes I think about how far we blogging pals have come in the last 2/3 years - it's fabulous to still be in touch, isn't it? xo
Well then, it's amazing what Art ATL has to offer when you search for it. I find this city to be rich with all sorts of art and culture...
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