“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and your discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.” Patanjali
Only one more day of school and then I'll move my easel out on the screen porch and have whole long, slow days of uninterrupted painting, where I can watch the birds and feel the sun and smell the jasmine blooming. I can take long walks with Ava in the morning and nap outside on the daybed in the afternoon. I can pick blueberries from Mr. Al's garden and make gallons of spaghetti sauce from his tomatoes. I can eat figs right off the tree and read so many lovely books. Summer is just perfect.
This last week has been so hectic, though: giving and grading exams, finishing iep's, packing to move to a new classroom. I've had no time for art for almost a week, and that has not been fun. When I saw this challenge, though, at One Powerful Hour, I was immediately inspired because my new issue of Elle magazine had a great spread featuring this striking Asian model. Black and white fashion photography is something I've used a lot on my journal pages, and I thought, "This is a challenge I think I really could finish in less than an hour." And did I ever need to make a journal page! Something about journal pages loosens me up and helps my creative spirit flow. So, this morning before I left for school, I used some of my most familiar techniques on my favorite color and completed this page in about a half hour. I immediately felt energized and happy. Art and color have that effect on me. Making art helps me find my power, makes me feel closer to the real me, at least the me I want to be. What gets you going? Where do you find your power? Please leave me a comment and tell me where you get your sense of self or purpose and what you're going to do this summer. Remember that "a goal without a plan is just a wish." (Saturday Surprise) Find your power!
I just left a comment at Flickr and had to stop by to wish you a wonderful weekend. Am SO happy that I did 'cuz this pink really sizzles against your black blog background! Outstanding! Hugs, Terri xoxo
Wooooooooooooooooooooow I´ve missing my words. This is very impressive. Stunning piece of art.
good morning dear girl....i love your page! i, too, am waiting for school to be over. we go to a charter school where my son goes to campus 3 days and is home 2 days.....he has grown up so much...and done so well...YAY!
BUT!!! i plan on doing more with my garden this year as last year it was sorely neglected, only the barest minimum done.. and i plan to get LOTS of exercise this summer....i've been gearing up for it...making portable art projects is my priority...things to travel with and small amount of supplies...very challenging!! we are of course, going to the meadow so we can watch bluebirds too!!
i'm off to see what else you've been up to.....
So beautiful! The colours are stunning, especially the pink. They are such happy colours but the girl looks desperately sad. No surprise I suppose because for some reason models now have to look anything but happy.
We are entering winter in two weeks, here in the southern hemisphere. Strangely enough, it is the best time for gardening because the soil is hopefully wet and the sun still shines and the temperatures are mild. Gardening is my refuge and my joy. I can't stay mad while digging in the dirt and watching things grow!
Your artwork looks like so much fun and the colors are fanatstic! :) Thanks for sharing
I can feel the power emanating off this piece! Interesting observation about the use of pink when you just have to make art "now"! Loved your description about moving your easel outdoors, making tomato sauce, long walks. This is the first year in my adult life that I've had a garden and I am totally and wholly in love with the process. I can't wait to get up in the morning to see if everything has grown and escaped the little paws of the squirrels scampering about. It is like an artistic palette in and of itself. Thanks so much for inspiring thought this morning with your gorgeous artwork.
Another gorgeous piece of art! I love that Patanjali quote - I've got it saved in my favorite quotes folder. That sounds heavenly, easel out on the porch, jasmine and chirping birds...sighhhhhhh. I can get all fired up with inspiration just going through my day, from seeing a sign somewhere, or a splash of color somewhere else, or hearing a phrase spoken...but my problem is that I somehow lose the momentum in between the inspiration stage and the manifestation stage. I feel I'm constantly struggling with this. (You know, looking at this journal page of yours, the model's expression is exactly how I feel this dilemma). What I plan to do this summer is to just try to really let go of all plans and "things I should do" and go with the flow. I need to reboot myself, so to speak. Hopefully this way I will find my way again.
wonderful page! thanks for taking the challenge!
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