11" X 15" mixed media on cardboard for Illustration Friday's Legendary challenge
Well, as you can see, I've discovered something else I like. Ava says I like everything. What could be wrong with that, I ask you? Except that I do get a little attention deficit when I have a lot of things going on, like I do now. I've got three big unfinished paintings in my studio, and while they sat there, I painted this abstract because I'm excited about this new form. Truthfully, I didn't like one of the big unfinshed canvases, but now I think I can go back and apply some of the same techniques I used here and be happy with it. Learning something new is always a good thing!
Earlier this week I received this honor from two Phenomenal Women: Cathy and Terri, two friends whose support and friendship inspire me daily to have the courage to continue pursue my dream and to share the chronicles of my journey with you. Here's what these two artists said about blogs that receive this award: "This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this clever-written text into the body of their award." I am humbled and honored to be considered as such. I would like, in turn, to recognize 8 other artists whose blogs exemplify the qualities of generosity, inspiration, and selflessness:
Artiphy the Heart
What's Up Roc
Bluebirds Living In The Meadow
Bulles Dores
Green Weeds
It Must Be Mice
Tumblefish Studio
Please visit their blogs and leave them a comment. You will be glad you did.
Because of all of you, I have finally been able to do what I dreamt of for so many years. Thank you with all my heart.

Love the texture and the frame too!
Very vibrant and dynamic! Like a Gypsy shawl!
All I can say is WOW! Alberta my dear, you have got a handle on this abstract thing! LOVE it! The frame makes it look like it should be hanging in a museum. This is just too fabulous. I tried my hand at abstract, but I'm calling it semi-abstract go take a look. It was yesterday's posting.
Have a great weekend! Hugs!
Yaaay! Vibrant colour, rich, gungey texture. What's not to like? x
Wow what a vibrant piece. Love the colors. Stunning work.
Woo, Alberta, that is one faincy frame! The colors show so beautifully online--a beautiful piece, and I don't even like non-representational stuff.
Your colors and textures are amazing! Thank you so much for the award! It means so much that you thought of me for this!! It will probably be awhile before I get around to passing it on, but you know that I will!! XOXO, Barbara
Alberta, I am totally gob-smacked. Thank you SO very much, lovely lady. I'll write more soon, when I get over the shock xxxx
Hi, Alberta! The saturated color in this piece makes my heart sing, and the frame makes it appear to be gallery worthy. Can't wait to see more of your new "direction"!
Love & Hugs,
Terri :) xoxoxo
you are just the sweetest, kindest person i know. thank you so much for thinking of me! i love your work you've been doing. it's so incredible!!
thank you, alberta, you are very inspiring yourself and i so enjoy a well written post and you have that down! i like your new work!! i can see that you have taken a big step and are enjoying your journey....and you've started an Etsy!!! well done, friend....
You amaze me! I am completely in awe of the huge progress you have made in such a short time. I do however miss your visits to my blog, but when I see what you are working on, I am not at all surprised. Awesome! I like this even more than Verdure.
Take care
What a bright and amazing site.
I don't usually like blogs that come with music but who can say no to Loreen McKennit
I laughed when I read that you "loved everything" because I am accused of the same. Is detention deficit my problem too??!!LOL I adore this piece. It has a wonderful sense of richness about it. Honestly, I want to live in your creative mind!!
Kathy this painting leaves me speechless, yes speechless. The colors just meld together so beautifully. Even though it is abstract it seems to form some sort of magical place that I just want to escape to. The frame is so perfect for it, it deserves one as beautiful!!
oooooooh, I love the colors and textures and that frame is fabulous!
Jesus Christ in a jumped-up sidecar, Alberta, how many times are we going to have to listen to Israel Kumanyaka and his lame ukelele play "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"? I'm just saying.
OMG this is soooooo wonderful. Applause from my corner. Bravo.
i, too, am sorry this has escalated to such an extent on your blog. i'll keep looking at your art, as i find it quite nice. i'll know to look out for the autoplay ;) i didn't realize that wasn't you. i hope you have a pleasant weekend. thanks.
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