Mixed media on canvas 24" X 30" $400. If you are interested in purchasing this painting please email me at katherinemccullen@yahoo.com
It always surprises me how inspiration comes when you least expect it. If this composition seems familiar to you that's because it was originally a journal page called The Mummer's Dance (click on title to see). I've known since I finished that collage that someday it would be a painting. (My Artistic Life) Something about her joyous dance captured my imagination. (Inspire Me Thursday) The original collage was also the first art piece I ever sold. I began painting this in January, but I got stuck on her hair. I couldn't figure out how to get the effect I wanted. So, I left it alone, hoping that something would come to me. I've spent the last several weeks learning something new, concentrating on abstracts, and I was so excited about what I was doing that I forgot about Miss Thing leaning up against the wall in the corner. Friday morning over coffee,though, I happened to catch a glimpse of her. I'd originally textured a larger area for her flowing locks, but late the night before I decided her hair was out of control and decided to give her a little makeover. So, I took a paint scraper to her and began to chisel chunks of molding paste off, leaving areas of black canvas exposed under the paste. I liked the way the rough black and white looked on her. So I took my palette knife and more black paint finished giving her a new hairdo. Suddenly, the whole painting came together, and I knew exactly what to do, From that point on it was amazingly easy; the painting almost finished itself. And here she is, my celebration of spring, Allegra, dancing in a midnight garden.
At One Powerful Hour, where the challenge this week is Spring, the disclaimer on the sidebar said they didn't really care if the creation took an hour or not, that they really just wanted to see what we'd created. Well, my painting took a lot of powerful hours; just piecing together her crazy quilt skirt took quite awhile, but cleanup might have taken an hour.
She is absolutely wonderful. Allegra makes me smile. I want her to come and dance in my garden with me!
such a warm fanciful piece ~ ELK
I love her...so glad you came back to her and made the whole painting complete for you. Your colors are WoW.
OMG !!! What a oustanding piece of art again. Really gorgeous. Love your work.
What a joyful expression of Spring! You've outdone yourself with Allegra, Alberta! The attention to detail astounds me. She is magnificent!
I love Allegra and her beautiful quilted skirt!! I wish I had one like it. She is so stunning. I know what you mean about never knowing when inspiration will strike, and how you get stuck on one thing that throws off everything. What a great story about how her new hairdo came about. Enjoy this beautiful day my friend!!
LOVE IT! It is joyful! Makes me happy to look at it. So many of your pieces have that effect on me. :)
I'm so glad they do!
How wonderful! Kathy your vibrant colours and the wild abandon this piece suggest are truly inspiring... I adore this canvas - Bravo!!
OH Dear Alberta!! I love her. She definitely signals the happiness we feel that it is springtime! I love the way you did her hair. I just LOVE everything about her!
Excellent job!
have a great week!
p.s. I blew it up larger in flickr to get a better look and see it's signed Kathy. I knew we were kindred spirits-we share the same name....
hugs xoxo
I LOVE her!! The name Allegra is right on as she makes me very happy looking at her. Especially her awesome patchwork skirt! It's so cool the way her hair ended up coming out so much like the original collage (Mummer's Dance..another great name. Love that song!)
I just finally put up the beautiful award you'd passed on to me back in Feb. Thanks again for it! Sorry it took me so long to post it. I'm just getting back into posting more regularly now after a long period of barely even logging on.
Well, Ms. Alberta! How far you've come since I first stumbled upon your work. The sky's the limit. Hitch your wagon to that wonderful star that is your talent and SOAR!!!
Midnight becomes Allegra! Your art just blows me away and I would defy anyone who visits your blog going away feeling depressed. The scrumptious colours, the ideas, the sheer artistry and creativity are mind boggling.
And if that's not enough, you have the best music on the blogs!!
what a really joyful piece.
what an amazing canvas!! love the vibrant colors and images!! great work!
dear, dear alberta! i've been trying to email you but can not get through! thank you so much for your kind words and offer! i love your new painting...i saw on flickr that she's doing the safety dance...funny, i remember that dance!
you are a dear and i will keep trying to email you..
I love the collage girl enjoying the abstracts of Spring! Well done!
Pure joy!!!!! Loved looking around your place I'll be back for sure!!
what a gorgeous art work!! love being stimulated by the beautiful colours, textures and patterns!
OMG! I love her!!! I haven't been by to visit in awhile and when the page opened I just gasped! Wow! I can't find the words to tell you how much I like this painting!
She is beautiful and fun! Love the colors and textures.
Thank you for setting me straight regarding Phenomenal Women (LOL)! Okay, okay, I am not a screwup... I am not a screwup... (100 x).
Big hugs to you,
Alberta this is so gorgeous it makes my mouth water and it's a joy to behold. Applause from my corner.
You have captured her energy and what a fun fun piece of art.
I really love this. You are just too fun. Wish we could be friends and art around together!
I stumbled into your blog one day and find myself returning to see what you are groovin' to next.
And yes, I too love to dive into different pools of art mediums.
I'm at
i really love this one! The colours, the way the girl is moving -stunning!
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