You've been on my mind a lot lately, but then I tend to get sappy around Valentines Day. Since
Mother Henna's hosting a
heART Party, I wanted to make a little
Saturday Surprise to Share the Love (
One Powerful Hour) Recently I've been given some very lovely awards, but I haven't been able to put in the time to share these awards on as I should. You know how important you are to me, though, so I hope that all of you comment, cheerlead, or visit me here, will copy this award and post it on your blog because you are phenomenal women, all. (
Illustration Friday) Happy Valentines Day!
Wow! Great as usual! Hope this means you are *back* blogging.
Oh, Alberta, she's beautiful! Happy, Happy Valentine's Day to you too, and thank you for this lovely gift.
It's absolutely beautiful Alberta, and what a thoughtful thing to do! I want to be Phenomenal, so I will proudly post it to my blog!
Thank you BFFF!!
YOU are the phenomenal woman!! I would be proud to display your artwork on my blog....and maybe some of that phenomenal talent of yours will rub off on me!!
I was drawn to your blog from a visit to Janet's blog and I am delighted to find you and your PhoNoMeNaL Blog! Your badge is so wonderful and I am going to let my blog wear it proudly!
This is so beautiful...thank you so very much!
Peace & Love,
I've missed you!!!! I am so glad you've been posting again! Thank you for your lovely collage and have a blessed Valentine's Day - full of love and open hearts.
You are a precious soul!!! This is a grand gift, thank you so much my dear ;)
Tears before coffee. It's going to be a good day. This is so beautiful! Thank you so much and Happy Happy Valentine's Day. I'm taking her to hang on my blog right now. :)YOU are a phenomenal woman!
ooo thank you! it would be an honor to accept this lovely lady! thank you for visiting frida too!!!
Hello Ms. Alberta,
Ah, this is lovely charming piece~
Thank you for gracing my morning with this lovely gift!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Oh Alberta she is beautiful, thank you so much for this wonderful gift.
May your day be full of lovely moments too.
OH thank you so so so have no idea how much this means to me...and it is absolutely lovely. Thanks for including me in the "Phenomenal woman" and for including those that take the One Powerful Hour Challenges!
I hope that you have a fantastic heArt day :)
well how nice of you! thank you so much for thinking of me.
Thank you!!!! I get to put art from Alberta on my blog!! Hoooray! This is so beautiful, and I feel so honored! Thank you again and again!!
Ohmigosh, what a sweet, beautiful, phenomenal gift! You so inspire me! I am delighted and honored to receive this. Gracias!
Happy Valentine's Day, you Phenomenal Woman!
Wow this is outstanding.
Very impressive work. Love them.
Oh wow, she is soooooo pretty!! Thank you!!! I will gladly put her up on my blog. Hope you're having a perfectly lovely Valentine's Day! xoxo Serena
Outstanding...thanks for sharing your thoughts. I am a retired teacher who has refound that person who wanted to be an art major...lo, those many years ago! Happy arting!
WOW what a lovely award. Thank you Phenomenal Woman.
Beautiful! Happy Valentine's to you too.
Come to my blog I am having an art box giveaway...see you!
Thank you for this wonderful gift, Alberta. I have proudly posted it on my blog. You have made my day.
YOU are phenomenal. Nuff said! Muchas Gracias!
P.S. You are the phenomenal one! Thank you!
Thanks for your kind words. And what a beautiful piece of art again!!
Thanks for your kind words. And what a beautiful piece of art again!!
You are phenomenal! Your words, your art, your heart. Make a day to celebrate the YOU that you are...make every day Valentine's day!
Alberta, thank you for the award. Even though it took me awhile to find it, I was thrilled. Chalk it up to my own secret specialness. You are the bomb.
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