I read once that to be happy one needs three things: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. It has always been my instinct to hope, perhaps because I am interested in so many things and can always find something to do. I've never understood people who said they were bored. My head is usually filled with impulses and visions of things I want to create. My husband often asks what I'm thinking, and I have to admit that, frequently, my response is that I'm not thinking at all, I'm
imagining. This journal page is my response to the words of Van Gogh "The best way to know God is to love many things." My Jardin d'Espair is a list of the things I love, not all, mind you; there wasn't enough room for
everything, silly. Today my wish for you is that you have something to do, something to love and something to hope for.
"Once you choose hope, anything's possible." Christopher Reeve
Illustration Friday
Beautiful illustration and lovely words! Thanks for sharing ; )
I just love both your imagery and what you've written in response to the Van Gogh quote Alberta- both are beautiful! I've enjoyed this, my first visit here :)
Oh my goodness, Alberta! Thank you for your wish, it's perfect. Your illustration is lovely and your thoughts are just right - at least for me. Thank you.
Love, Janet
How fortunate I was to land on your beautiful blog this morning. I was feeling sad and blue, having viewed your work made me smile thinking how awesome your creativity is and touched my heart.
Thank you, I am going to return again and again.
I am just starting to learn how to create an art bolg and my newness to the process shows...but I must htank you for such lovely inspiration.
Beautiful. Just beautiful. I was bored (ack!!) at work! I wanted to be home *doing* something. Good thing I'm retired so I can keep the hands and mind busy! Never bored now! Thanks, Alberta. Happy Friday!
This is so lovely. The words make the perfect backdrop for the flower. I'm never bored either. My mind is usually racing ahead of me about a 1000 miles an hour! I just wish I could harness it and create as beautifully as you do.
That was lovely. I'll certainly be inspired today.
Your words are my thoughts. And what a beautiful page again. Thanks for sharing.
Wow wow wow wow this is very impressive. Fantastic work. Love them.
It's stunning !!
Today was just a tough day. So when I cam home, I made a cup of tea and opened your post. What a lovely respite. Your garden of hope became my garden of serenity. Thank you, Alberta.
Hugs,Terri :)
I've said it before and I'll say about a million more times: our tribe is the best. You are always here for me and add so much joy to each and every day. I wish I could throw us a big party!
Thank you for another beautiful piece of art, and more inspiring words, which in turn give me one more thing to love!! Of course, everytime I visit your blog I get to add another thing I love to my list, so thank you for continually helping me to expand my own list of things I love!! XOXO
Alberta this page is just beautiful and a perfect way to wind down for the night! Thank you for reminding us that there is so much to love and be happy for!
I've never heard this definition of happiness, and I think it's great!
Love your colors in this piece
Perfect definition! Beautiful and inspirational piece.
Beautiful collage!
here is the traduction in bad english of what I said on my blog about the necklace :
Check. We can say that I and the soldering, that makes TWO!! (Even three even)!! But how I am stubborn and how I have full of ideas in head, I well plan to persevere!! Thus, after some burns, some hair less and a mastered fire risk, here is my pendant Alice, with her small welded mushroom...
Yes I know, it is the misery almost not shame...
:-p thank you for your comment on my blog ^^
Thank you for your wish - and for you exquisite artistry.
Ah, Alberta, you have so much smooth on your tongue! Your way with words is wondrous, and this is a bit of great wisdom you've shared with us...and in the most beautiful way. Huge Hug
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