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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Imagine my surprise

When I came home from taking Amaryllis and Magenta to cheer practice and turned in the driveway only to spot Alberta lurking in the woods in a short black satin nightgown. Thinking she'd embarked on some wild Midsummer Night's Dream reprise, I blew the horn and asked her what the hell she was doing.

Her story (and she's stuck to it for two hours now) is that frolicking about the woods involved neither Mr. Alberta and their impending 25th wedding anniversary nor the UPS man; instead,she claims it has something to do with taking pictures for a tea party. I don't pretend to understand, but I'd rather not delve farther into the matter. I only say that I don't think it is necessarily wise to comport oneself so close to a busy road in one's ah, loungewear. But then I'm the prudent sister.

"I do have my camera in my purse, you realize," I told Alberta. She's fairly certain I didn't snap a quick shot of her, and I assured her (just a little too fervently so she'd be uneasy) that I would never, ever do such a thing. However, I found this nightie on ebay. Draw your own conclusions.

In her defense (credit where credit's due), she wasn't wearing the pearls. I handed her my flipflops out the car window so she wouldn't come back with stickers in her feet and went on in the house.
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Chriss Rollins said...

hahahaha A girl has to do what a girl has to do and as long as she didnt have a rose in her mouth...do hope we get to see some of the pics.
thanx for sharing.
chriss x

Julie Allain said...

Tee Hee so funny but you should have whipped your camera out quickly ;) xx

*jean* said...

bwhaaaaa ha ha....

she did say she could garden in her nightgown...you funny girls...

glad to see you're back, ava..

DMG said...

Pay no attention to Ava. She's the prudish one!

nancy said...

A pretty intriguing scenario. So where is she now? And is she still behaving strangely?

DMG said...

No!!!!! Thank you very much!!!! Since Ava outed me, I've been back INSIDE getting ready for the Mad Tea Party, of course! I was up between 2-5 a.m. making hats, cooking and decorating for Saturday's fete. (I think this is exactly what my mother meant by "creative fit.")

One Crabapple said...

laughing !